To create a cinema copy rotation instruction (CRI) in CARIA without a media booking you can follow these steps:
- On the home page click "Create"
- Select "Cinema" as the media type (CARIA will default to Linear TV/BVOD)
- Enter in the client name
- Enter in the product name
- Enter in campaign dates
- Select first transmission month (if your CRI crosses multiple months, select the first month)
- Add clock numbers to your CRI in one of two ways
- Select to add pre-existing clock numbers from the copy library
- Enter in new clocks in the empty clock number box half way down the screen on the left hand side
- The following fields are available for all clock numbers in cinema CRIs:
- Copy Title - Mandatory
- Stating if the copy is "Due" or "Held" - Mandatory
- If "Due" you will need to enter in an approximate delivery date and complete the "Producer" field
- If "Held" you can optionally complete the "Last on Air" month
- CAA Number - Mandatory
- CAA Rating - Mandatory
- BBFC Rating - Optional
- Once you've added all clock numbers required for your CRI on Step 1, press "Save & Continue"
- On Step 2 you set-up detail blocks of information linking your clock numbers to the media, date ranges and any timebands.
- If you only have one clock number CARIA will automatically create a detail block for you containing the booked media and the full date range of the booking
- If you have more than one clock number you will need to set-up detail blocks relevant to the campaign, such as one with clock A covering the first half of the month and then another detail block for clock B covering the second half of the month - see article XXXX (how to set-up detail blocks)
- Once you have all your detail blocks set-up press "Save & Continue"
- You will be directed to the outbox and a pop-up will appear listing the companies your CRI will be sent to
- You can click on a company to view the CRI detail that is shared
- You can click on the "CRI Overview" tab to see everything in the CRI and check prior to sending
- When you're happy click "Send" on the right hand side of the "View/Send" tab
- Delivery of CRIs is tracked in CARIA, once sent click on each individual traffic dept listing to see this in the "History" tab
Points to note:
- You can only send CARIA CRIs to Digital Cinema Media (DCM)
- Cinema CRIs are differentiated in the outbox, they will have video camera icon next to them.
- It is not possible to create hybrid Cinema CRIs with other media types such as Linear TV or BVOD. You will need to create multiple instructions.
- Cinema CRIs that have been sent can be edited and re-versioned
- Step 1 - Select to create a copy instruction
- Step 2 - Cinema" and enter the client & product, dates and month
- Step 3 - Edit copy: Media type is defined by booking, if adding copy from library CARIA will show you if a pre-existing clock number has been used in cinema CRIs previously
- Step 4 - Edit copy: You can add new clock numbers to CRIs, you will need to complete the cinema specific copy details
- Step 5 - Copy relationships: CARIA will auto-create a single detail blocks for CRIs containing one clock number
- Step 6 - View/Send: Send your cinema CRI to DCM, you can review al details on the CRI Overview tab
- CRI outbox: You can view all sent and drafted CRIs. Cinema CRIs are identifiable by the video camera icon, you can also filter on them
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