When creating a CARIA copy rotation instruction containing more than one clock number of the same timelength you will need to define a ratio.
Clock number ratios are entered on Step 2 the “Copy Relationships” page.
Ratios must be specified, not percentages. The largest number that you can enter is 10.
This is dictated by the broadcasters, who commission CARIA.
Because many clients and agencies work with percentages we provide some example ratio splits:
50/50 = 1:1
33/33/34 = 1:1:1
25/75 = 1:3
90/10 = 9:1
20/20/60 = 2/2/6 (also 1:1:3)
Complex percentage splits will need to be simplified so they can be ratioed and then entered into CARIA. For example:
Could be first adapted to 10/30/20/30/10/10 where all numbers are rounded to the nearest ten and then simplified further to 1/3/2/3/1/1 so if can be entered in CARIA
Note: In some cases broadcasters may request further simplifications. This is driven by what their individual systems can handle and this can be complicated by a number of circumstances. We can only provide guidance.
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