CARIA doesn't cater explicitly for spot by spot instructions.
- These are relatively rare
- And can be extremely complex
- Whenever we've considered this with the broadcasters who fund CARIA, we've agreed not to introduce new functionality for them
So what do I do?
It depends on the complexity
If complex (example: multiple clocks, multiple spots)
- Do not use CARIA
- Take the instruction off line and email the relevant traffic team
If simple (example - single clock, single spot)
- You could use CARIA
- If the buyer has made a booking, do the copy instruction in the normal way and use the notes field to highlight the spot activity
- If the buyer hasn't, you could create a copy instruction from scratch and do the same. In this instance we suggest adding SPOT INSTRUCTION to the product name
- Repeat: If there a multiple clocks / multiple spots revert to complex workflow
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